
Post function (server) examples

Assign issue

Assign the issue to the current user

assign the issue to the current user

Assign the parent issue to a specific user

assign the parent issue to user named "testuser"

Label issue

Add label to an issue

add label "mylabel" to the issue

Comment issue

Comment the current issue

add comment "your comment"

Comment the current issue with restriction to Jira-administrators

add comment "your comment" with restriction "Jira-administrtors"

Comment the parent issue

add comment "your comment" to the parent issue

Watch issue

Add the current to the issue watcher list

  add the current user to the watchers of the issue 

Add a user to the issue watcher list

  add user named "test" to the watchers of the issue 

Remvoe the current from the issue watcher list

 remove the current user from the watchers of the issue 

Remvoe a user from the watcher list of the issue

 remove user named "test" from the watchers of the issue 

Update issue

Specify the due date to be 4 weeks after

set the due date of the issue to today + 4 weeks

Update the priority field

set the priority of the issue to "Minor"

Update the resolution field

set the resolution of the issue to "Fixed"

Update the affected version field

set the affected version of the issue to "v1" 

Update the fix version field

set the fix version of the issue to "v1" 

Append a version to the fix version field

add fix version "v1" to the issue

Update the status field

set the status of the issue to "Done"

Update the summary field

set the summary of the issue to "my summary"

Update the description field

set the description of the issue to "my description"

Append the description field

set the description of the issue to the description of the issue + " my description"

Conditional action

Conditional if-then action

if the assignee is not present
  assign the issue to the creator
  add comment "automatically assigned"

Conditional if-then-else action

if the assignee not present
  add comment "not assigned yet"
  add comment "all good"
Last modified May 18, 2020